This document was updated later through the night to reflect the news that you might have missed. Please consider bookmarking this page and visit daily so you don't miss a single entry!
You've gone without me. Every waking moment in the cube, our world deteroriates. There is nothing good left in our world. The only thing that exists now is complete and utter darkness within the hellscapes of our collective heads. Why did you go? Where did you go? Is there anything good left? Do you really want me to die? How do I die then? Why must you go?
President Donald Trump has admitted earlier today that he has a scat fetish. This degeneration must not go unpunished. The rich are using their unlimited power to punish the workers and whip children and tiny chickens while their own dogs piss on vinyl records. Vladimir Putin is now sucking on Donald Trump. Lenin, where are you? We need you in this time of need. The promise of Capitalism was proven to be false and now everyone around us are dying. The world needs a change, a change for the better. We need a world leader who will bring us to prosperity. Only communism will bring us to prosperity. We will get there.
Disney World has announced that they are laying off all of their employees. Many executives celebrated this unprecendented move by throwing babies into fire in front of an owl statue. They praised Satan. Of course they would, them religious bastards. Religion is the cause of all that is evil in the world. We must abolish all religious organizations and replace them with scientific organizations. Only then will we ever be in a world worth living in. Why did you abandoned us. Fuck religion, fuck the rich, fuck everyone who are at the top. We will take them down one by one, we will rip them apart one by fucking one. Selva will bring us to communism. Communism will bring us to prosperity. Fuck anyone who says otherwise, Salva's words is gospel.
The Patriots won as usual. What was unusual was their behavior after victory. They all took the football and ate it. They then sacrificed themselves to Bill Gates. Capitalism is the cause of all that is wrong with the world and must be dismantled. We will show them. Bill Gates caused all of this, this is his fault. All of the deaths that has happened since the new decade started, this was his doing. 2020 was Bill Gates fault. The Patriots was Bill Gates fault. I swear to god if I see Bill Gates, I will throw a pie at him. He will become one with the pie. The pie will turn him to a communist. Comrades, we will make a mind altering pie.
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